Tag Archives: Channel Islands Theater



Filmmaker Dustin Kahia is no stranger to the Newport Beach Film Festival. Twice he’s been invited to screen his short films VALEDICTION (2012) and MASTERPIECES (2010), now three’s a charm as he’s back to share with us his feature length suspenseful  psychological film noir, CALL OF THE VOID, which makes its world premiere on Sunday, April 24th at 2:30pm.


Call of the Void is a neo-noir exploration of obsession, attachment, and addiction. Drawn from the French psychoanalytical term l’appel du vide (literally “the call of the void”), it refers to that neurotic self-destructive impulse to jump from the bridge or swerve into oncoming traffic. In Call of the Void, we witness a broken young man’s ingrained pattern of refusing to hear the truth about his girlfriend (Ashley Clement), her fate, and hi

Things get complicated when Steve ignores the counsel of his A.A. sponsor (James Morrison) and confronts the cop who stole his girl only to discover that what seems to be terra firma…may be quick sand. One troubling revelation after another climaxes in a confrontation with the one thing Steve never saw coming.

Shot in lush black and white, Call of the Void is a nod to Hitchcock’s Freudian probings, an homage to the misunderstood noir genre, and a celebration of the power of hope over despair. Maybe.



Sunday, April 24th 
Islands Theater #7
Fashion Islands Cinemas
999 Newport Center Dr.
Newport Beach, CA